- Low carbon drawn steel wire - Bright drawn wire for bending, forming, welding, galvanizing and chromium plating - Drawn wire for electrodes manufacturing - Drawn wire for steel wool. Use and handling: mechanical engineering; production of gratings, baskets, wire mesh, nails, threaded bars; automotive, etc.
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Rosette (orbit) inner bore 400 mm, 800/900 mm outside diameter, weight 200/1000Kg
Returnable reel, weight 1000 Kg, external diameter 800/900 mm
Reel bore 540/600 mm, height 600/700 mm, weight 1000/2000 kg. Rotating clockwise or counterclockwise.
Reel on pallet, weight 500/1000 Kg
TRAFILERIA SCERELLI Srl - via XXV Aprile, 22 - 23841 Annone Brianza (LC) – tel. +39 0341 577167 - fax +39 0341 579427 info@trafileriascerelli.it – www.trafileriascerelli.it - P.I./C.F. 01721730131 - Registro delle imprese di Lecco n° 01721730131 - Capitale sociale € 100.000,00